
Client Stories – Gratitude through Hardship

22nd May 2017

A client came in to the FoodBank one morning, with his 11 year old son…

His English was fairly good, but as we spoke his son helped him with some of the more difficult words.

He told me about his wife and daughter who were waiting for them in their new accommodation in Bournemouth, and how they had spent most of the last two years since arriving in the UK up in Manchester.

I asked him where the family had come from originally: he told me he had left his home in Syria with his family, because of the war and because his house had ‘fallen down’!


Can you imagine?!


The small group had travelled across Europe looking for a safe place to live. They spent three tough months in the ‘Jungle’ at Calais before finally being allowed into the UK.

Both he and his son were so grateful for the little bit of help that we could give them and explained how much they appreciated all they had received since arriving in the area.

Many of our clients are angry about their situation and feel that they deserve more. This man and his family had a very different perspective.

All they had in the world was each other –  and yet they were filled with gratitude for just that.

Their attitude and experience is a challenge to all of us to be grateful for the simple stuff – even for living in a home that doesn’t fall down!
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