
4 Ways to Fight Hunger in 2023

13th January 2023

LV employees volunteering at a Bournemouth Foodbank supermarket collection.

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Hunger is a pressing issue affecting millions of people in the UK. It can devastate individuals and families, leading to malnutrition, illness, and a lack of opportunities for education and economic mobility. While many complex factors contribute to food insecurity, such as inequality, low income and a rise in the cost of living, there are also simple steps that individuals can take to make a difference.

Many organisations and charities in the UK are working to combat hunger and food insecurity. There are also many ways in which individuals can get involved and make a difference.

In this blog post, we will explore four ways to get involved in fighting hunger in the UK in 2023. By taking action and getting involved in these and other efforts, you can make a meaningful contribution to the fight against hunger in the UK and worldwide. So, if you want to make a difference and get involved in fighting hunger in the UK, read on to learn more about the various options available.

1. Volunteer at a food bank.

One of the most direct and impactful ways to get involved in fighting hunger in the UK is by volunteering your time and energy at a food bank or soup kitchen. These organisations provide essential support to individuals and families in need by collecting and distributing donations of food and other essential supplies and serving hot meals to those struggling to put food on the table. Volunteering at one of these organisations can help sort and distribute donations, serve meals, provide companionship and support to those in need, or assist with other tasks as needed.

At Bournemouth Foodbank, we are always looking for volunteers. They are the heart of the operation; without them, we would not be able to execute our vital task. If you’re interested in volunteering, please see current volunteering opportunities.

Volunteer With Us


2. Donate food or money to a hunger-relief organisation.

Another way to get involved in the fight against hunger in the UK is by donating food or money to a hunger-relief organisation like foodbanks. Many charities and organisations in the UK work to fight hunger by collecting and distributing food and other essential supplies to those in need. By donating money or non-perishable food items, you can help ensure people have access to the resources they need to stay healthy and nourished. You can also consider donating to organisations that address the root causes of food insecurity, such as poverty and inequality, which can help create long-term solutions to the problem.

Donate Food


3. Advocate for policy changes that address food insecurity.

Public policy can significantly impact food security, from benefits programs and other government assistance to agricultural policies and trade agreements. By advocating for policy changes that address hunger and malnutrition, you can help to create a more equitable and sustainable food system for everyone. This can involve writing letters to your elected representatives, participating in campaigns and lobbying efforts, or raising awareness about the issue through social media and other platforms.

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4. Educate yourself and others about the issue of hunger.

By learning more about the root causes of food insecurity and how it affects communities in the UK, you can better understand the challenges people face and how you can help make a difference. This can involve reading articles and books, attending talks and lectures, or participating in educational programs or events. You can also share this knowledge with others, helping to raise awareness and inspire others to get involved in the fight against hunger.

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By taking action and getting involved in these and other efforts, you can make a meaningful contribution to the fight against hunger in the UK and worldwide. Whether through volunteering, donating, advocating, or educating yourself and others, there are many ways that you can make a positive impact and help to create a more just and sustainable food system for all.


John Saborido
Marketing & Comms Manager
Bournemouth Foodbank


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