Harvest and the Foodbank
Some details for our supporters, relating to Harvest 2019
Dear Supporter,
Thank you for agreeing to donate to Bournemouth Foodbank’s Combined Harvest Appeal. Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with the materials available below.
We hope that these will be informative and help inspire people to support your collection. In addition to the resources in this pack, we are here to support you too – if you need anything, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to assist you in any way we can.
What to collect
Please find below a “shopping list” of items. This list contains our foodbank’s top 10 most needed items. Please feel free to copy and distribute this list to everyone supporting your collection.
Bournemouth Foodbank only works with non-perishable food items (tinned and dried goods), which do not spoil or decay. This means that neither the foodbank nor the recipient has to worry about storing the food in a fridge or freezer, and there is less likelihood of food going to waste. It also means that we can give each client a carefully designed food parcel that contains three days’ worth of nutritionally-balanced food.
All items should be unopened, in date and in good condition. We are forbidden by law to give away food which has passed its “use by” date. We have no storage facilities for fresh food so if you collect fresh food we would prefer you to arrange for it to go elsewhere. If you need any ideas of where to send it, we can help.
We also take non-food items such as toiletries, cleaning and sanitary products, as these are just as essential to the clients who come to us.
Shopping list:
- Milk (UHT / powdered)
- Fruit juice (long life)
- Tinned rice pudding
- Tinned meat
- Tinned fish
- Tinned vegetables
- Tinned potatoes
- Jars of sauce for pasta
- Soup
- Biscuits
- Sweet or savoury treats
- Jam
It would be a great help to us if you could deliver your collection to one of our foodbank centres. Locations and opening times can be found at the following link: https://bournemouth.foodbank.org.uk/locations/. Please use the donation slips (available below) to label your gifts. This will help us keep track of your donation and thank you properly afterwards.
If this is not possible, please use the following online form to submit a collection request so we can arrange a date and time with you to pick up your donation:
Submit a collection request
Our mission is to bring communities together to end hunger and poverty in the UK by providing compassionate, practical help with dignity, which challenging injustice; and your support makes this possible.
Thank you for your support!
Click on the links below to download the following resources: